Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On our way!

I can't believe I've only blogged once in the month of October. It was a very busy month for us. It seems as if each weekend was full of something to do. We spent two Saturdays in "Adoption Training". My mom and dad came during another weekend. We really enjoyed our time together with them. Well....let me fill you in.

We completed our adoption/foster training and turned in all of our paperwork. That was a major accomplishment in itself. It felt never ending! I turned it in on October 19th. We know the next step is to complete our Home Study. Every adoptive couple must complete this portion of the adoption process. So...we wait for a call to schedule an appointment with a Certified Investigator for a home study interview.

Last week I was sick and stayed home on Tuesday. I got a call from someone with the Health Dept. calling to schedule a home health inspection. I knew I would be off on Monday and made the appointment for that day. I went through the house like a white tornado making sure everything was clean, in it's place and looked its best. I thought for sure we'd fail this portion. I cleaned bath tubs, the boys rooms, the kitchen and even closets. With three dogs, I thought there is no way my house would ever be clean enough. I even considered re-organizing my walk in closet. It is the pit of the house. When the inspector arrived, she immediately walked in and started towards the kitchen, carefully looking around the floors and taking in the surroundings. I thought for sure I'd find a dog hair tumbleweed floating along the hardwood entry floor. I was so nervous. Fortunately for me, she was sooooooo sweet. I had all my ducks in a row. Outlet covers on every outlet a baby could reach, my chemicals were stored in a locked cabinet in the garage and a baby proof cabinet lock for under the kitchen sink. I thought, "What am I missing?" I thought for sure I was missing something! I have had friends tell me to make sure the laundry room doesn't have lint on the floor or behind the dryer. They knew someone who failed because of this. As usual...I worried for nothing. The whole inspection took a whopping 15 minutes. She didn't look in all my drawers and cabinets. She didn't even check the laundry room. She looked in the nursery and checked our crib, asked me a few questions about our house, the dogs, normal things! I couldn't beleive how easy it all was. So....big weight off our shoulders. Now we have to wait for the home study and the fire marshall to inspect the house.

The fire marshall will look to make sure the bedroom window in the nursery is a certain amount of square footage so a fully dressed fire fighter can get into the room through that window. Crazy...right? We had to purchase a fire extinquisher and are supposed to have it mounted on the wall in the kitchen. Okay....I doubt I'll "mount" it to the wall unless I absolutly have to. It is ready and available in the kitchen. We also have to have an evacuation plan posted in the house somewhere showing exits. You know...just like on the back of a hotel door. Mine is lamminated and on the fridge. Hotel Valentin! :0)

I'm busy painting the nursery and organizing clothes. We have been given so many clothes for a little girl! I feel pretty well set and ready to bring a baby home. We haven't gotten diapers or anything like that. Those are last minute items we can get once we know the age of the child. We're saving up for that day. I keep sticking money aside for all those last minute things. So far we have a crib, changing table, bedding, bouncy seats, a small swing and a few toys. Not to mention all the clothes! Oh...and the pack-n-play! We were given a great pack-n-play! Thank goodness for friends with babies! I was amazed at the other adoptive parents who are going through the process and are waiting till the last minute to get their crib and other baby necessities. I guess we're jumping the gun. We haven't even been approved to adopt yet. However, I'm very optimistic! I really don't see the approval being an issue. As always...we'll keep you posted on our progress.

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