Monday, October 25, 2010


I'm in dire need of caffine right about now.  On the way to work this morning I decided not to stop at the Quicky Mart and purchase my morning Elixer of Life aka Diet Coke.  I thought I would just get one out of the machine instead at work. WRONG!  Some idiot can't seem to operate a simple Coke machine and stuck all of their quarters in it at one time causing a traffic jam of coins.  This is not good.  Now I'm stuck at work, by myself and there are no options for caffine.  Samuel was up at 1:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 3am, then Isaiah woke at 3:00 to a stuffy, snot filled nose.  Jorge took that shift but I help suck the snot out of his nose.  He finally went back down at 4am.  No sleep, no is going to be a long day!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dedication Day for Samuel & Isaiah

Samuel & Isaiah

Isaiah (my mini me)

Dad & Isaiah, Mom & Samuel

My Sweet Sam

Yesterday my boys were dedicated to the Lord in front of our family and church family. It was such a special day and we had so much fun. I especially loved spending the day with my family. My aunt, grandmother and two cousins were all in town for the ceremony. Isaiah and Samuel looked so cute! They were so well behaved during church too. I just don't think I could feel any more blessed!  It is a day I will never forget.