Friday, June 25, 2010

35 weeks & 2 days

On Monday I had my regular doctor's appointment and found out that I had to go to the hospital...immediately! Luckily she let me go home and at least pack a bag. Seems I have pre-eclampsia which is very dangerous for me and the babies. So I got home, met Jorge, threw a few things in a suit case and off we went. So I've been here now for 4 days and today I could no longer stand it. I ventured out of the room for the first time in search of chocolate. Didn't take me long until I found a variety of chocolate in the vending machine! Now I think I'll be able to make it through the next four days.

Samuel Murphy and Isaiah Daniel will be born on Tuesday June 29th at 12:30 pm. This is almost 4 weeks early. Not to worry though. Looks like they are doing great and are getting bigger by the day. Sure feels like it anyway. I can still walk around, take a shower and obviously email and blog. But the nurse just took my BP after walking down to find chocolate and it sky rocketed! So it looks like I'm stuck in this room for a while. Jorge will be here with me this weekend and I'm looking forward to the company. I've missed him so much. He's been working so hard lately and I haven't seen him in two days!

I never imagined anything could ever make my backside look smaller until I had this huge belly! I'll be glad to reverse it now though.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

33 weeks and counting

It's almost over. I am at the end of 33 weeks and can't wait for these babies to come out. During my last doctors appointment we decided to schedule a delivery date. She picked the 39th week on 7/20/10. WHAT? Are you kidding me? I about went into labor that very second. She then mentioned it was just picking a date and that I would deliver earlier than that. Whew! Do not scare a pregnant woman like that. While a delivery date is still out there somewhere, I know it won't be that late. I have another ultrasound on Monday and visit the doc, so let's hope we will begin to narrow it down a little better than July 20th!

The doc also prescribed me something to finally help me breathe! I now have an inhaler and nasal spray to get me through all this nasal congestion I feel. I keep hearing that little Antonio Banderas bee flying around my head! But at least now I can breathe and SLEEP! Poor Jorge was sleeping on the couch so HE could finally get some sleep. Between getting up to pee 8x a night and blowing my nose, he never got any rest. Let's hope that is licked!

Last night after work I had some energy and decided to head up the nursery and put some things away. Nesting is what they call it. I washed baby clothes in Dreft and started to look at what to take to the hospital. I didn't hit the bed until 10:30 last night and I'm paying for it this morning. I won't officially be awake until 10am. The day before I went straight home from work and hit the bed! I didn't even change my clothes, just laid down and never got up, except to pee of course. Jorge finally came in and helped me change. Still never got out of bed! He's genius.

I'll update on Monday after the docs appt and ultrasound. The countdown continues!