Monday, March 15, 2010

Spawn of David Beckham!

On Saturday morning I could swear the spawn of David Beckham was growing inside me. I felt the biggest kick yet. So much so it made me jump up off my seat. Jorge was able to feel Samuel kick on the outside as well. What a cool feeling! For the past two days I haven't felt much going on. Maybe the stress of traveling has made them sleepy. I'm hoping anyway.

The doc moved up my ultrasound to this week because I'm not gaining enough weight. I know I'm carrying twins and all but goodness! She just wants to look at the babies and make sure they are growing. I feel fine other than normal pregnancy stuff.

We just got back from Missouri this past weekend from seeing Jose. Man did he look great! We put him on a bus and he left for Ft. Huachuka in Arizona. When he got there he thought it was beautiful. Chris stayed behind for school while Kathi, David, Krystal, Jorge and I made the 14 hour trip to and from Missouri. Like idiots we drove the whole way back straight through without stopping. Won't make that mistake twice. Now that we've caught up on our sleep it's back to work.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Babies Moving!

I have to admit I've been a little anxious about not feeling the babies move. Since this is my first pregnancy I really didn't know what I was feeling for. I'm currently 19 weeks and thought I'd feel them by now. Every mom I know said, "You'll know it when you feel it." What the heck does that mean? Will Samuel or Isaiah punch me in the side, kick my ribs, make me toot, what? I've been told it will feel anywhere to like butterflies in my stomach, a drop like a roller coaster ride or the smallest, faintest little thing. Well until today I've felt nothing. While at work and sitting at the computer I got up to make some cookies for guests. (I swear they weren't for me!) While in the kitchen I could feel what felt like a roll of something on my left side. I've had the same feeling before, but all those times I thought they were just gas. I'm sure I've been right about that but today there was no mistaking that was one of my boys. What a cool feeling. I immediately called Jorge at home to tell him that I was 100% sure I'd felt they babies move. While all this seems so cool for the moment, I know the day is coming where I will look at my belly and think I have the entire European Soccer League inside my stomach.

Sleeping is getting a little harder. My back is hurting more and more the bigger I get. Just can't seem to get comfortable even with the millions of pillows proping up every part of my body. My hope is I won't be put on bed rest and out of work too early before the babies are due.

Each day I'm still amazed that God has blessed me with not only one baby, but two. While others have laughed and said better you than me, I have no doubt we'll do great. I've never known what it's like to care for just one baby, so I'm hoping it will become routine to take care of two. I'll get back to you on that one!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Two Boys! Seriously!?

Imagine my amazement when I got my latest ultrasound and was told by the Ultrasound Tech, Leslie, that I am indeed having TWO boys! For those of you who have seen my nursery closet and the numerous girls dresses and clothes I have collected, can only imagine the panic I felt knowing I have NO boys clothes. Luckily I decorated the nursery gender neutral. In any case, it gave me the opportunity to do a little shopping. ;0)

In all honesty I was only disappointed for about 3 seconds! Jorge and I left the office with the biggest smiles on our faces. He felt the same way I did. That will give him a total of 4 boys! Lord help me! Two little Jorge's running around. The truth of the matter is I couldn't be happier. Both babies are healthy and growing like crazy and that's all that matters. My belly is so big already and I'm sure that isn't going to stop any time soon. I am in my 5th month (19 weeks) and still haven't felt them kick. Not rushing it as I'm sure there will be 4 little feet in my ribs for many months to come.

I almost forget, names. We have chosen Samuel and Isaiah. I guess the Lord was saving my marriage by giving me two boys since we couldn't decide on a girls name. I have posted a pic of Isaiah's little feet and tooshy! So sweet.