Sunday, November 16, 2008

Adoption Update

Well...we have a fire marshall inspection on Monday. It should take all of 10 minutes for this one! Then we will wait for the Certified Investigator to complete the Home Study. It is all a waiting game at this point! Lots and lots of waiting! We are just living as normal, axiously waiting for a call that they have a baby for us. We will have to complete the home study first, but because we are willing to foster/adopt, we shouldn't have to wait too long. At least with the holidays on us, we will keep very busy during our wait. I've thought of volunteering at church for the nursery. It might curb my appetite for a baby, or backfire and make me even more anxious. I'm praying about it asking God for guidance.
Today is Sunday and Jorge is out mowing the grass, fixing my flat tire and helping around the house. He's so great about doing these types of things. I'm cleaning the bath and the rest of the house. Pretty boring Sunday! I LOVE IT! I know once we adopt we will not be bored any longer! We always find something to do now. Seems like we are always running here and there. Jorge and I promised each other we would make Sunday our day of rest. Not much resting going on here! Jose is at work and Chris is at a friends house.

Jose is working lots of holiday hours! Can you beleive Christmas is just around the corner? Chris alreay has his Christmas gift. He wanted a new cell phone. A $330 cell phone! How many 15 year olds do you know that need a $330 cell phone? Not our idea! We chipped in a little money for it, but that's it! CRAZY!! Jose hasn't asked for much. He's always a little harder to buy for. We're excited about spending Christmas in our new home. Jorge and I both have off the whole week of Christmas and we're looking forward to it. We hope to go cut down a tree right after Thanksgiving.

That's all for now!

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