Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One on One time

Over this past weekend Samuel zonked out in my lap and after laying him in my bed for a short nap, Isaiah and I had a little Mommy & Me time while eating dinner. I rarely get the boys one at a time and they rarely get me like that, but we all enjoy it when it happens. Being an only child I never had to share my parents with anyone. There was always that one on one time with any of them. Trips to the store, vacations, rides in the car, you get the idea. Samuel and Isaiah also share caregiver time at daycare. There are 12, yes 12 kids in their classroom and only 2 teachers. Imagine you and your significant other care for twelve kids between 12mos and 24 months old. Mind blowing if you ask me. Granted, Tammy and Tiffany do not have to prepare any meals which is a huge time suck. Even still, they are my heros! I think I'm beginning to understand why Samuel is so clingy and fussy when we finally get home for the day. He just wants to be held and loved on. Who can blame him or Isaiah for that matter. They want a little attention without having to share it with another kid. Looks like we'll have to work on that! Here's a photo of Isaiah eating during our Mommy & Me time on Sunday.

Monday, February 6, 2012

My Dad jinxed me....

So during the Super Bowl last night I called my Dad to see how he was doing. After a few minutes of talking, he asks, "So the boys still sleeping good through the night?" JINX! I swear Isaiah heard him. After getting two very tired little boys to bed, Isaiah woke up screaming at 11pm. Jorge got up with him, made warm milk, rocked him to sleep only for Isaiah to start screaming again when Jorge put him in his crib. We tried letting him cry it out, but it wasn't happening. He was up. At midnight, I got up, put him in bed with me and we fell asleep in Chris' room. Sleeping, if you can call it that, with Isaiah is no picnic. He kicks, flails his arms and takes forever to calm down. Not sure what caused the drama, but at least we got a little sleep. more questions about sleeping habits...okay?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Another new routine...

It amazes me how many new routines you must create, introduce and get used to as a mom and especially a mom of twins. With twins, nothing ever seems the same twice, well for very long anyway. Just when you think you have it all down, wham....another change occurs. Fortunately I think I deal with change fairly well. So it is in our house again, another change. My husbands work schedule has changed yet again and I think the boys know it. Sam woke up last night around 9pm and just wanted to snuggle. :0) That made mommy happy. However when I tried to put him back down to bed, he began to cry, which woke up Isaiah. Isaiah was fine but mad his brother had woke him up and was voicing his opinion about it. So I tried getting them both back to sleep but Isaiah wasn't having it. What to do....what to do? I made an executive decision and Isaiah went back in his crib to cry it out. (Insert Mommy Guilt Here!) I knew he would stop quickly and fall back asleep. He likes sleeping in his crib. To sleep with Isaiah you need a WWF degree! I've never seen a kid kick, toss and turn all night like him. I knew if I put him in bed with me, we'd never sleep. Sam ended up in bed with me and went right to sleep. While he may turn a few times and take a little bit to get calmed down, he snuggles well. Eventually the house was quiet and everyone got some sleep, even Mommy! Another routine I need to adjust to is Daddy not being home in the morning to help with the boys. Since they were born this was the routine and I did great with it. However for a long while now, he has been home in the mornings to help me get them ready, let the dogs out, get breakfast etc. This morning was interesting for sure. While brushing my teeth Isaiah went to throw away his dirty diaper (don't understand why he enjoys it so much but hey...) and all of a sudden it hit me, the dog bowls were down on the floor. I spit, raced to the kitchen and just as I made it around the corner I could hear the metal dish hit the floor and the gush of water everywhere. Ugh! It was the last thing I wanted to deal with. After cleaning up the mess both boys went strapped into the car with a video playing while I gathered my things for the day. Another day started.... Paci's are another routine breaker we are experiencing. Sam has kicked the habit completely however Isaiah is holding on. While he only has it at night or nap time I'm hoping it will be gone in the next few months. I've assured myself he won't walk across the graduation stage with it in his mouth so I'm not too concerned but it would be great to ditch it earlier than his freshman year! A quick Sam funny... This morning while I finished putting on my makeup I saw Sam playing in the full length mirror in our bedroom. He looked at himself, waved and said Bye Bye to his reflection then blew himself a kiss. Precious!