What a great 2010! Samuel & Isaiah are such a blessing and keep us really busy! This is their first photo with Santa. That's Isaiah on the left and Sam on the right. I couldn't believe we got them both to smile at the same time! Great job photo elf for capturing that one. Christmas was peaceful and quiet which was GREAT! Jose and Krystal came home, Chris stayed on his computer and Samuel slept through most of the day. Isaiah just chilled out and let us all enjoy the day.
The boys are getting so BIG! Isaiah weighs 19.3 pounds while Sam is 18.4. They are already wearing size 9 months clothing. Isaiah has his bottom two teeth and Sam is rolling over, all over the place. He goes from back to front and then gets really irritated because he feels stuck on his tummy. Over the weekend he's figured out how to roll from front to back though. If I don't swaddle him at night, he's all over the place in his crib and gets no sleep. Which means I get no sleep. Both have had ear infections and it looks like Sam will get tubes before it's all over with. That's fine with me if it takes away the pain for him. He's a bear when he's sick.
We hope everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving with Twins
Okay.....here we go! Thanksgiving is Thursday and I'm completely unpreparred. My dad was going to come down for a visit Wed-Sunday, however he now has the Flu so he won't make it. I hate it too! He was really looking forward to seeing his grand-babies! So I thought, well...now I'm off the hook. No need to make a huge dinner for Jorge, me and Chris. OH NO! Jorge isn't having it. I suggested we just go out to eat this year considering it would be hard to make all that food with two 5 month olds, but Jorge doesn't want to be one of those families who goes out to eat on Holidays. I understand and appreciate his want to keep a tradition, but I have NO IDEA how I'm going to make it work. I can barely get myself out the door in the morning for work much less cook a Thanksgiving meal. I even asked if we could get a turkey breast and skip the big bird. NO WAY! It must be the real thing with stuffing, sweet potatos, pumpkin pie and all the trimmings. Lord help me because I will probably lose my mind trying to do this. I look forward to having four days off of work, but I'm sure I'll need it to recouperate after this fiasco that's coming on Thursday! Keep me in your prayers please!
Monday, October 25, 2010
I'm in dire need of caffine right about now. On the way to work this morning I decided not to stop at the Quicky Mart and purchase my morning Elixer of Life aka Diet Coke. I thought I would just get one out of the machine instead at work. WRONG! Some idiot can't seem to operate a simple Coke machine and stuck all of their quarters in it at one time causing a traffic jam of coins. This is not good. Now I'm stuck at work, by myself and there are no options for caffine. Samuel was up at 1:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 3am, then Isaiah woke at 3:00 to a stuffy, snot filled nose. Jorge took that shift but I help suck the snot out of his nose. He finally went back down at 4am. No sleep, no caffine....it is going to be a long day!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Dedication Day for Samuel & Isaiah
Samuel & Isaiah
Isaiah (my mini me)
Dad & Isaiah, Mom & Samuel
My Sweet Sam
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It's official...I'm a Gleek!
Watched my first episode of Glee after hearing everyone rave about it. Now I'm usually the DWTS, America's Got Talent and Idol type of watcher, but remember what "Show Choir" was like in High School, I thought I'd try it out. Seriously Funny Stuff. Since I'm ditching expanded cable to pay the insanely high cost of Daycare...I have to find programming on "regular" stations now. It's official I'm hooked. I missed last nights episode because I was just so darn tired. Boys were in bed by 8pm and hubby and I were in bed by 8:15. There was a time when Jorge would give me all kinds of grief about going to bed at 10pm. He seriously thought it would hurt our marriage because I go to bed so early. Let me tell you he was right next to me last night. I reminded him of how he would taunt me about going to bed so early and he replied, "Shut Up Kimberly!" Oh how the tables have turned. The boys wear us out by the time they are fed, changed and dinner is made (if it gets made). They are still sick and I'm coming down with it too. The joys of parenting.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Daycare Blues
No parent wishes to send their kids to Daycare! I don't know one mom who wouldn't want to stay home with their kids if at all possible and I'm no exception. I'm sure there are parents out there who would contradict me, but lets say I'm correct for the majority of moms! With that said, I think I have the cleanest daycare in the city. Privately owned by a lady at my church for 23 years and she keeps things updated and very nice! It does not look like a run down 23 year old building. Shelia and Mary Ann love on my boys like crazy so I know they are in good hands. Even still, they are sick. I know this is common and all kids get sick. It just breaks my heart to hear them so congested. My mother in law would be on the first flight to SC if she knew they were sick from daycare. She raised 8 children and stayed home with all of them. How they did it I will never know. I'm sure they did without a lot of things to make it happen. You would never know it though. So we are re-evaluating all the little luxeries we have at home. You know...those things that "we" never had like cable, cell phones, internet I could go on and on. Day care is $285 per week. It is killing me to fork that out each week. Don't even get me started on formula. $70 per week and they just changed the packaging to be more eco friendly, but it is less formula for the same price. CRAZY!!!!
Jorge kept them at home yesterday since he had the day off and I think he totally appreciates all the hard work I did while at home on maternity leave. It isn't easy with twins, that's for sure. In any case, I would love to stay home with them. They are sooooo cool!
Jorge kept them at home yesterday since he had the day off and I think he totally appreciates all the hard work I did while at home on maternity leave. It isn't easy with twins, that's for sure. In any case, I would love to stay home with them. They are sooooo cool!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Both babies slept through the night! Well at least until 4:30am which is better than anything! Isaiah woke up first, got fed and went back to sleep. I actually had to wake up Samuel at 6:30 to get him ready for daycare. I'm hoping that they will both sleep in tomorrow to give mommy a little break! 7am would be awesome, but I'm not pushing my luck.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Isaiah Rocks!
He slept through the night. Poor Samuel worked himself into the corner of the crib and woke himself up at 3:30am. He's a scooter at night and I often find him in the corner of the crib all smashed into a ball. Really need to get him a sleep positioner to keep him put. Needless to say....Mommy missed out on some sleep last night. Oh well....
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sleep Report
I should call this the No Sleep report. Samuel & Isaiah only teased us by sleeping throug the night last Saturday. Sam was up at 1:30am. Just four little hours after he had his last bottle. Isaiah however slept until 4am. I got up with Sam and Jorge took the shift with Isaiah. I know it's just around the corner and I swear they aren't hungry but with two babies in the room, I can't just let them wimper themselves to sleep in fear of waking up the other. Actually I don't get up unless they start to cry. Then I go in and try to pat them back to sleep. Has only worked a couple of times, but I keep trying. Any suggestions? By the way...they are already getting rice in their evening bottles. And I'm not putting them to bed completely asleep.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Isaiah and Samuel finally slept through the night on Saturday! I was so worried at 3:30 am when I realized they had not woken up I dashed up the stairs to the nursery to check on them. Of course they were fine, but I couldn't believe it. An hour later Samuel woke up and Isaiah slept until 7am. Jorge and I had put them to bed at 8:30 Saturday night.
Low and behold, we didn't have a repeat of Satuday night. Isaiah woke up at 2:30am and Sam soon followed at 3:15. We finally got them down by 4 and the alarm went off at 5! Can't wait till they sleep through the night for good.
Low and behold, we didn't have a repeat of Satuday night. Isaiah woke up at 2:30am and Sam soon followed at 3:15. We finally got them down by 4 and the alarm went off at 5! Can't wait till they sleep through the night for good.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Samuel Murphy & Isaiah Daniel
Both beautiful boys were born June 29th and weighed 6 pounds each! They are both healthy and happy. This pic was taken at 8 weeks old. They are now 11 weeks today. I'm so richly blessed to have these two little guys in my life. I somehow now feel complete! Much more to come!
Friday, June 25, 2010
35 weeks & 2 days
On Monday I had my regular doctor's appointment and found out that I had to go to the hospital...immediately! Luckily she let me go home and at least pack a bag. Seems I have pre-eclampsia which is very dangerous for me and the babies. So I got home, met Jorge, threw a few things in a suit case and off we went. So I've been here now for 4 days and today I could no longer stand it. I ventured out of the room for the first time in search of chocolate. Didn't take me long until I found a variety of chocolate in the vending machine! Now I think I'll be able to make it through the next four days.
Samuel Murphy and Isaiah Daniel will be born on Tuesday June 29th at 12:30 pm. This is almost 4 weeks early. Not to worry though. Looks like they are doing great and are getting bigger by the day. Sure feels like it anyway. I can still walk around, take a shower and obviously email and blog. But the nurse just took my BP after walking down to find chocolate and it sky rocketed! So it looks like I'm stuck in this room for a while. Jorge will be here with me this weekend and I'm looking forward to the company. I've missed him so much. He's been working so hard lately and I haven't seen him in two days!
I never imagined anything could ever make my backside look smaller until I had this huge belly! I'll be glad to reverse it now though.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
33 weeks and counting
It's almost over. I am at the end of 33 weeks and can't wait for these babies to come out. During my last doctors appointment we decided to schedule a delivery date. She picked the 39th week on 7/20/10. WHAT? Are you kidding me? I about went into labor that very second. She then mentioned it was just picking a date and that I would deliver earlier than that. Whew! Do not scare a pregnant woman like that. While a delivery date is still out there somewhere, I know it won't be that late. I have another ultrasound on Monday and visit the doc, so let's hope we will begin to narrow it down a little better than July 20th!
The doc also prescribed me something to finally help me breathe! I now have an inhaler and nasal spray to get me through all this nasal congestion I feel. I keep hearing that little Antonio Banderas bee flying around my head! But at least now I can breathe and SLEEP! Poor Jorge was sleeping on the couch so HE could finally get some sleep. Between getting up to pee 8x a night and blowing my nose, he never got any rest. Let's hope that is licked!
Last night after work I had some energy and decided to head up the nursery and put some things away. Nesting is what they call it. I washed baby clothes in Dreft and started to look at what to take to the hospital. I didn't hit the bed until 10:30 last night and I'm paying for it this morning. I won't officially be awake until 10am. The day before I went straight home from work and hit the bed! I didn't even change my clothes, just laid down and never got up, except to pee of course. Jorge finally came in and helped me change. Still never got out of bed! He's genius.
I'll update on Monday after the docs appt and ultrasound. The countdown continues!
The doc also prescribed me something to finally help me breathe! I now have an inhaler and nasal spray to get me through all this nasal congestion I feel. I keep hearing that little Antonio Banderas bee flying around my head! But at least now I can breathe and SLEEP! Poor Jorge was sleeping on the couch so HE could finally get some sleep. Between getting up to pee 8x a night and blowing my nose, he never got any rest. Let's hope that is licked!
Last night after work I had some energy and decided to head up the nursery and put some things away. Nesting is what they call it. I washed baby clothes in Dreft and started to look at what to take to the hospital. I didn't hit the bed until 10:30 last night and I'm paying for it this morning. I won't officially be awake until 10am. The day before I went straight home from work and hit the bed! I didn't even change my clothes, just laid down and never got up, except to pee of course. Jorge finally came in and helped me change. Still never got out of bed! He's genius.
I'll update on Monday after the docs appt and ultrasound. The countdown continues!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
30 Weeks today
I am finally in the home stretch of pregnancy and sooooo happy it's almost over. I never thought I'd feel like this but there just isn't any more room in my belly for these boys. They are stretching and kicking and keeping me from walking more than 30feet at a time. I'm doing my best, but all I want to do is lay on the couch and veg out. I can't believe I have 8 more weeks to go and they will finally be here. I'm trying to be excited, which I am, but at this moment, I just want them OUT!
I swear if I could have tapped Isaiah's behind while still in the womb, I would have done it. He rolls over and you can see a foot, hand, arm or something roll across my belly. So weird. I'm still working and trying to keep up the pace right up until I deliver. This will give me more time with the boys when they get here and time for me to heal after the c-section. Bed rest are evil words I do not want to hear. I think I'd go crazy sitting at home. At least at work I can do computer work, make phone calls, etc.
Keep me in your prayers, only 8 more weeks to go.
I swear if I could have tapped Isaiah's behind while still in the womb, I would have done it. He rolls over and you can see a foot, hand, arm or something roll across my belly. So weird. I'm still working and trying to keep up the pace right up until I deliver. This will give me more time with the boys when they get here and time for me to heal after the c-section. Bed rest are evil words I do not want to hear. I think I'd go crazy sitting at home. At least at work I can do computer work, make phone calls, etc.
Keep me in your prayers, only 8 more weeks to go.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Reminder; It's okay to eat no matter what time of day it is!
For all my life I've eaten at the appropriate times. Breakfast which has been dry cereal in a bag while driving to work or a bagel. Lunch time...which consists of when I look up at the clock and realize it is 12 already. Dinner. That's a harder one. Considering there are 4 different taste buds in my house, I make ONE meal and take it or leave it is the rule.
This morning as I sit at my computer realizing I had forgotten my bagel and or cereal I found myself very hungry. Alissa, my assistant manager, says "Eat something!" What? I can't eat, it's not even 10:30 yet. But alas, I can't go on without feeding these two in my belly. I set off into the kitchen to split my lunch in half to eat part of it now and the rest later today. (Around the real lunch time!) Why this never hit me before I have no idea. I guess pregnancy breaks all the rules!
This morning as I sit at my computer realizing I had forgotten my bagel and or cereal I found myself very hungry. Alissa, my assistant manager, says "Eat something!" What? I can't eat, it's not even 10:30 yet. But alas, I can't go on without feeding these two in my belly. I set off into the kitchen to split my lunch in half to eat part of it now and the rest later today. (Around the real lunch time!) Why this never hit me before I have no idea. I guess pregnancy breaks all the rules!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Not the last chapter of the bible, but I had a revelation today. For all of you who have been through pregnancy this will come as no shock to you...but to me the light bulb finally went on.
As I went to the bathroom for the millionth time today I realized why my body is put through all the insanely gross things it now does with me having no control over it at all, just to prepare me to have a baby. I mean the physical baby that will blow out a diaper. I'll be changing those a million times a day, times two! The kicks at night that now keep me up is so I will be prepared for those weeks of sleepless nights. The hormonal crying fits I have that prepare me for those crying fits I will have as a new mom and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Without going through just the few things I've mentioned I realized that if pregnancy was easy, we'd never be ready for when these sweet little darlings come out!
All the symptoms I thought I might be sparred have recently attacked me. Leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, heartburn, swelling hands & feet, trips to the potty at least 5x a night, unmanagable hair, lest I go on. There are others I will simply spare you but yes...I have those too!
While I write this however I smile as Isaiah and Samuel give me little kicks here and there. How happy Jorge is when he feels his little boys kicking hard and how they kick when he talks to them through my belly. I smile thinking how this will be my parents first grandchildren and how happy and excited they are. All the blessings the Lord has given me are too many to name, and I am so unworthy of them all. So if I sound like I'm complaining about pregnancy well....yeah! I mean who wants to go through all of this, but the end result is so worth it. Looking forward to seeing Isaiah and Samuel this summer.
As I went to the bathroom for the millionth time today I realized why my body is put through all the insanely gross things it now does with me having no control over it at all, just to prepare me to have a baby. I mean the physical baby that will blow out a diaper. I'll be changing those a million times a day, times two! The kicks at night that now keep me up is so I will be prepared for those weeks of sleepless nights. The hormonal crying fits I have that prepare me for those crying fits I will have as a new mom and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Without going through just the few things I've mentioned I realized that if pregnancy was easy, we'd never be ready for when these sweet little darlings come out!
All the symptoms I thought I might be sparred have recently attacked me. Leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, heartburn, swelling hands & feet, trips to the potty at least 5x a night, unmanagable hair, lest I go on. There are others I will simply spare you but yes...I have those too!
While I write this however I smile as Isaiah and Samuel give me little kicks here and there. How happy Jorge is when he feels his little boys kicking hard and how they kick when he talks to them through my belly. I smile thinking how this will be my parents first grandchildren and how happy and excited they are. All the blessings the Lord has given me are too many to name, and I am so unworthy of them all. So if I sound like I'm complaining about pregnancy well....yeah! I mean who wants to go through all of this, but the end result is so worth it. Looking forward to seeing Isaiah and Samuel this summer.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
My new BFF....Mylanta
Last week I started to wonder if the old wives tale was true about pregnant women with heartburn meaning their babies have a lot of hair. Recent studies have found a link making this statement somewhat true. Considering I'm married to a hairy Hispanic, I thought for sure I'd have lots of heartburn. As of last week I really hadn't had much at all. It made me happy that this was one symptom I might be sparred! It's amazing what can change in a week's time. Today I busted out the "approved meds" list from my doc and found that Mylanta was on the list. After battling this for 3 days and like 4 million Tums (not really) later, I broke down today and headed to CVS for something stronger. I barely made it to my car before I began taking big swigs of this stuff trying to relieve the pain. By the time I made it to work, I felt so much better. Now I think I'm just going to have to keep a bottle in my purse. Let's hope Isaiah & Samuel come out with loads of hair and all of this isn't for nothing!
Monday, April 12, 2010
So Very Blessed

While sitting on the couch yesterday watching the Master's tournament with my hubby, I started to just cry. Calling it raging hormones because I'm pregnant, but I think it was more than that. I sat there watching my belly move, jump & roll all over the place as Isaiah was having fun in my belly. Since Samuel is so low, I can't see over my belly to watch him jump & move. It just amazes me that soon, I will have not one but two bundles of joy to love. And of course, all because I met an amazing man. It's been almost three years of marriage, ups & downs of course, but still I couldn't be happier. He has made all my dreams come true. Albeit none of this would be possible without the amazing love and grace of a truly Awesome God. You know how you have your whole life planned out when you're young? You make these plans and think how it's going to be, but God knows different. Never did I think I'd meet Jorge, build a house and expect two babies at the same time. Never did I think I'd live so far away from my family, but still feel so close to them. I never imagined the amazing church family we have come to know. So many wonderful little surprises God has granted me and I feel so blessed and unworthy at the same time.
Here is a photo from our wedding back in 2007 and the most recent on Easter Sunday with my growing belly!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Got the pollen blues!
I'm so over the spring pollen! The air is filled with a yellow dust that creeps into everything, including my car and most of all my nose. I've been sick now for at least three weeks with the sneezy, itchy, watery eyes & nose. Everyone else in the house is fine, but the preggo lady, who can't take much of anything, is the one with all the insane symptoms. Tomorrow we are expecting rain and it can't get here soon enough for me. I'm sure there will be rivers of yellow running down the streets of Greenville. All I can say is bring it on!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Spawn of David Beckham!
On Saturday morning I could swear the spawn of David Beckham was growing inside me. I felt the biggest kick yet. So much so it made me jump up off my seat. Jorge was able to feel Samuel kick on the outside as well. What a cool feeling! For the past two days I haven't felt much going on. Maybe the stress of traveling has made them sleepy. I'm hoping anyway.
The doc moved up my ultrasound to this week because I'm not gaining enough weight. I know I'm carrying twins and all but goodness! She just wants to look at the babies and make sure they are growing. I feel fine other than normal pregnancy stuff.
We just got back from Missouri this past weekend from seeing Jose. Man did he look great! We put him on a bus and he left for Ft. Huachuka in Arizona. When he got there he thought it was beautiful. Chris stayed behind for school while Kathi, David, Krystal, Jorge and I made the 14 hour trip to and from Missouri. Like idiots we drove the whole way back straight through without stopping. Won't make that mistake twice. Now that we've caught up on our sleep it's back to work.
The doc moved up my ultrasound to this week because I'm not gaining enough weight. I know I'm carrying twins and all but goodness! She just wants to look at the babies and make sure they are growing. I feel fine other than normal pregnancy stuff.
We just got back from Missouri this past weekend from seeing Jose. Man did he look great! We put him on a bus and he left for Ft. Huachuka in Arizona. When he got there he thought it was beautiful. Chris stayed behind for school while Kathi, David, Krystal, Jorge and I made the 14 hour trip to and from Missouri. Like idiots we drove the whole way back straight through without stopping. Won't make that mistake twice. Now that we've caught up on our sleep it's back to work.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Babies Moving!
I have to admit I've been a little anxious about not feeling the babies move. Since this is my first pregnancy I really didn't know what I was feeling for. I'm currently 19 weeks and thought I'd feel them by now. Every mom I know said, "You'll know it when you feel it." What the heck does that mean? Will Samuel or Isaiah punch me in the side, kick my ribs, make me toot, what? I've been told it will feel anywhere to like butterflies in my stomach, a drop like a roller coaster ride or the smallest, faintest little thing. Well until today I've felt nothing. While at work and sitting at the computer I got up to make some cookies for guests. (I swear they weren't for me!) While in the kitchen I could feel what felt like a roll of something on my left side. I've had the same feeling before, but all those times I thought they were just gas. I'm sure I've been right about that but today there was no mistaking that was one of my boys. What a cool feeling. I immediately called Jorge at home to tell him that I was 100% sure I'd felt they babies move. While all this seems so cool for the moment, I know the day is coming where I will look at my belly and think I have the entire European Soccer League inside my stomach.
Sleeping is getting a little harder. My back is hurting more and more the bigger I get. Just can't seem to get comfortable even with the millions of pillows proping up every part of my body. My hope is I won't be put on bed rest and out of work too early before the babies are due.
Each day I'm still amazed that God has blessed me with not only one baby, but two. While others have laughed and said better you than me, I have no doubt we'll do great. I've never known what it's like to care for just one baby, so I'm hoping it will become routine to take care of two. I'll get back to you on that one!
Sleeping is getting a little harder. My back is hurting more and more the bigger I get. Just can't seem to get comfortable even with the millions of pillows proping up every part of my body. My hope is I won't be put on bed rest and out of work too early before the babies are due.
Each day I'm still amazed that God has blessed me with not only one baby, but two. While others have laughed and said better you than me, I have no doubt we'll do great. I've never known what it's like to care for just one baby, so I'm hoping it will become routine to take care of two. I'll get back to you on that one!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Two Boys! Seriously!?
Imagine my amazement when I got my latest ultrasound and was told by the Ultrasound Tech, Leslie, that I am indeed having TWO boys! For those of you who have seen my nursery closet and the numerous girls dresses and clothes I have collected, can only imagine the panic I felt knowing I have NO boys clothes. Luckily I decorated the nursery gender neutral. In any case, it gave me the opportunity to do a little shopping. ;0)
In all honesty I was only disappointed for about 3 seconds! Jorge and I left the office with the biggest smiles on our faces. He felt the same way I did. That will give him a total of 4 boys! Lord help me! Two little Jorge's running around. The truth of the matter is I couldn't be happier. Both babies are healthy and growing like crazy and that's all that matters. My belly is so big already and I'm sure that isn't going to stop any time soon. I am in my 5th month (19 weeks) and still haven't felt them kick. Not rushing it as I'm sure there will be 4 little feet in my ribs for many months to come.
I almost forget, names. We have chosen Samuel and Isaiah. I guess the Lord was saving my marriage by giving me two boys since we couldn't decide on a girls name. I have posted a pic of Isaiah's little feet and tooshy! So sweet.
Friday, February 5, 2010
February already! Wow time flies!
This year is going to go by so quickly and I scarcly find the time to slow down and enjoy it. I'm sure at the end of my pregnancy I will have no choice in the matter, but right now our house is busy with baby preperations and a growing belly. Both babies are doing well and growing. My next ultrasound is February 24th and by that time we should be able to determine the sex of both babies. If not I'll get another shot at it in March. Having twins gives you a few more privleges at the doctors office like more ultrasounds!
I have to admit that I look at my belly and think, are there really babies in there or am I just gaining weight. There's no doubt I have all the pregnancy symptoms like morning sicknes, still. Maybe when I feel them move for the first time it will really sink in. Of course I have a ton of things to accomplish in the next few months. Arrange childcare, choose a pediatrician, register at the hospital, organize the nursery, and get some rest in there somewhere. Jorge and I both had a dream last night that we are having a boy and a girl. Can't imagine we both had the same dream. Must mean something right? Mine was funnier! I dreamt that I woke up from sleeping and there were my babies for me to meet. All fat and plump like 3 month olds. No labor, no pain, no drama! I was in awe. Jorge dreamt we were in a field having a picnic and the kids were chasing the dogs around. Very romantic. That's my man for ya.
We got a letter from Jose and he is doing well. He sends his love to everyone and can't wait until he's done with basic training. He misses showering and "pooping" alone. (His words, not mine.) We all miss him so much and I'm dissappointed that he won't be here while the babies are still babies. What an amazing big brother he already is to Chris and I want my babies to know that as well. I know the chance will come after the military, but by that time he will be on his own and making a new life for himself. He is growing closer in his personal walk with God and we give the praise to HIM for placing Godly men in Jose's path. Krystal is attending church with Jorge and I and you can see the Lord touching her heart. We are still working on Chris and hope he will give his heart to Jesus soon.
I say this all the time, but I truly feel blessed. My cup runeth over!
I have to admit that I look at my belly and think, are there really babies in there or am I just gaining weight. There's no doubt I have all the pregnancy symptoms like morning sicknes, still. Maybe when I feel them move for the first time it will really sink in. Of course I have a ton of things to accomplish in the next few months. Arrange childcare, choose a pediatrician, register at the hospital, organize the nursery, and get some rest in there somewhere. Jorge and I both had a dream last night that we are having a boy and a girl. Can't imagine we both had the same dream. Must mean something right? Mine was funnier! I dreamt that I woke up from sleeping and there were my babies for me to meet. All fat and plump like 3 month olds. No labor, no pain, no drama! I was in awe. Jorge dreamt we were in a field having a picnic and the kids were chasing the dogs around. Very romantic. That's my man for ya.
We got a letter from Jose and he is doing well. He sends his love to everyone and can't wait until he's done with basic training. He misses showering and "pooping" alone. (His words, not mine.) We all miss him so much and I'm dissappointed that he won't be here while the babies are still babies. What an amazing big brother he already is to Chris and I want my babies to know that as well. I know the chance will come after the military, but by that time he will be on his own and making a new life for himself. He is growing closer in his personal walk with God and we give the praise to HIM for placing Godly men in Jose's path. Krystal is attending church with Jorge and I and you can see the Lord touching her heart. We are still working on Chris and hope he will give his heart to Jesus soon.
I say this all the time, but I truly feel blessed. My cup runeth over!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
One Down, Two more to go, Trimesters that is!
I can't believe I'm already three months pregnant. Time has gone by so fast and I find myself waking up in a panic about having everything I need to do, done! I'm sure this is a common feeling for most mothers to be and even more so for first time mom's. Considering I'll need double of a lot of things, I start seeing dollar $igns! Thoughts come rushing through my head of how am I ever going to get TWO babies ready in the morning for church or work? Everyone is so encouraging and says, You'll just do it! Wish I was so confident!
Had my first baby dream the other night. I was at the doctors office laying on the table while they were checking out the babies for any birth defects. (This test is next week and it's been on my mind a lot.) So there I am and one of the nurses takes out a baby from my tummy and says..."Looks really good, weight is great and Oh yep...it's a boy! But I need to put this baby back now." She proceeds to put the baby back in when I shout, "What about the other baby? Did you check it?" She says yes...it's a boy too! I started to cry! Then thoughts start flooding my head that I now have to sell ALL of those girl clothes in my closet on Ebay! If God gives me two boys...I'll be happy and just know that God has a sense of humor. I woke up grateful it was just a dream. Jorge and I had a laugh about the whole thing and can't wait till we find out what we are having.
Yesterday at work I needed a few minutes to myself so I went into Babies R Us. That place scares me and is so overwhelming. Where the heck do I start? I will need a serious list to follow and ask lots of advice as to what other mom's couldn't live without. We're on the right track and already have the nursery done minus one crib. Doc's tell me to get as much done as I can by week 25 because after that they don't want me doing anything. That's what I do now! Nothing! I am waiting for that second trimester energy to come around like everyone keeps telling me. Poor hubby is cooking dinner, doing laundry and taking great care of me. Last week I actually mustered up enough energy to make dinner without getting sick. It felt so great to take care of my family for a change.
I am still in awe of how much God has so richly blessed me. His love and grace cover me and I know I will never be worthy of it. He has given me two precious little ones to bring up in His ways and I will certainly honor Him by doing so.
Had my first baby dream the other night. I was at the doctors office laying on the table while they were checking out the babies for any birth defects. (This test is next week and it's been on my mind a lot.) So there I am and one of the nurses takes out a baby from my tummy and says..."Looks really good, weight is great and Oh yep...it's a boy! But I need to put this baby back now." She proceeds to put the baby back in when I shout, "What about the other baby? Did you check it?" She says yes...it's a boy too! I started to cry! Then thoughts start flooding my head that I now have to sell ALL of those girl clothes in my closet on Ebay! If God gives me two boys...I'll be happy and just know that God has a sense of humor. I woke up grateful it was just a dream. Jorge and I had a laugh about the whole thing and can't wait till we find out what we are having.
Yesterday at work I needed a few minutes to myself so I went into Babies R Us. That place scares me and is so overwhelming. Where the heck do I start? I will need a serious list to follow and ask lots of advice as to what other mom's couldn't live without. We're on the right track and already have the nursery done minus one crib. Doc's tell me to get as much done as I can by week 25 because after that they don't want me doing anything. That's what I do now! Nothing! I am waiting for that second trimester energy to come around like everyone keeps telling me. Poor hubby is cooking dinner, doing laundry and taking great care of me. Last week I actually mustered up enough energy to make dinner without getting sick. It felt so great to take care of my family for a change.
I am still in awe of how much God has so richly blessed me. His love and grace cover me and I know I will never be worthy of it. He has given me two precious little ones to bring up in His ways and I will certainly honor Him by doing so.
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