Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving with Twins

Okay.....here we go!  Thanksgiving is Thursday and I'm completely unpreparred.  My dad was going to come down for a visit Wed-Sunday, however he now has the Flu so he won't make it.  I hate it too!  He was really looking forward to seeing his grand-babies!  So I thought, well...now I'm off the hook. No need to make a huge dinner for Jorge, me and Chris.  OH NO!  Jorge isn't having it.  I suggested we just go out to eat this year considering it would be hard to make all that food with two 5 month olds, but Jorge doesn't want to be one of those families who goes out to eat on Holidays.  I understand and appreciate his want to keep a tradition, but I have NO IDEA how I'm going to make it work. I can barely get myself out the door in the morning for work much less cook a Thanksgiving meal.  I even asked if we could get a turkey breast and skip the big bird.  NO WAY!  It must be the real thing with stuffing, sweet potatos, pumpkin pie and all the trimmings.  Lord help me because I will probably lose my mind trying to do this.  I look forward to having four days off of work, but I'm sure I'll need it to recouperate after this fiasco that's coming on Thursday!  Keep me in your prayers please!

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