Not the last chapter of the bible, but I had a revelation today. For all of you who have been through pregnancy this will come as no shock to you...but to me the light bulb finally went on.
As I went to the bathroom for the millionth time today I realized why my body is put through all the insanely gross things it now does with me having no control over it at all, just to prepare me to have a baby. I mean the physical baby that will blow out a diaper. I'll be changing those a million times a day, times two! The kicks at night that now keep me up is so I will be prepared for those weeks of sleepless nights. The hormonal crying fits I have that prepare me for those crying fits I will have as a new mom and wonder what the hell I was thinking. Without going through just the few things I've mentioned I realized that if pregnancy was easy, we'd never be ready for when these sweet little darlings come out!
All the symptoms I thought I might be sparred have recently attacked me. Leg cramps, restless leg syndrome, heartburn, swelling hands & feet, trips to the potty at least 5x a night, unmanagable hair, lest I go on. There are others I will simply spare you but yes...I have those too!
While I write this however I smile as Isaiah and Samuel give me little kicks here and there. How happy Jorge is when he feels his little boys kicking hard and how they kick when he talks to them through my belly. I smile thinking how this will be my parents first grandchildren and how happy and excited they are. All the blessings the Lord has given me are too many to name, and I am so unworthy of them all. So if I sound like I'm complaining about pregnancy well....yeah! I mean who wants to go through all of this, but the end result is so worth it. Looking forward to seeing Isaiah and Samuel this summer.
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