Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One on One time

Over this past weekend Samuel zonked out in my lap and after laying him in my bed for a short nap, Isaiah and I had a little Mommy & Me time while eating dinner. I rarely get the boys one at a time and they rarely get me like that, but we all enjoy it when it happens. Being an only child I never had to share my parents with anyone. There was always that one on one time with any of them. Trips to the store, vacations, rides in the car, you get the idea. Samuel and Isaiah also share caregiver time at daycare. There are 12, yes 12 kids in their classroom and only 2 teachers. Imagine you and your significant other care for twelve kids between 12mos and 24 months old. Mind blowing if you ask me. Granted, Tammy and Tiffany do not have to prepare any meals which is a huge time suck. Even still, they are my heros! I think I'm beginning to understand why Samuel is so clingy and fussy when we finally get home for the day. He just wants to be held and loved on. Who can blame him or Isaiah for that matter. They want a little attention without having to share it with another kid. Looks like we'll have to work on that! Here's a photo of Isaiah eating during our Mommy & Me time on Sunday.

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