Monday, August 27, 2007

Family Update

Wow...the summer has flown and the kids are already back in school. Chris began his freshman year at Byrnes Freshman Academy and is also enrolled in Air Force ROTC. I'm not sure he'll like the whole uniform thing...but I bet he will look handsome just the same. He's grown about a foot this summer and you would believe how much he's changed.

Jose is now working at Hollister. For us old folks...that is a clothing store for teens and young adults. They hired him on the spot when he was shopping there. I know he's happy not to be flipping burgers. He is also a "Nixon Nut". This is like a pep squad before the football games at the high school. He's now a Senior! He gets painted up by the cheerleaders before the games and goes out to get the crowd fired up. (You know he's hating the part where the cheerleaders paint him...right?)

Jorge and I are doing well. We are on a quest to reach our "goal weight", well I am anyway. We have joined the YMCA which is just spitting distance from the house. They have a pool and gym along with other activies. Our family membership includes the boys as well.

We are also praying very hard about expanding our family. Jorge and I would love to have a baby, however we will take whatever God gives us. This includes adoption. We are looking at domestic and international adoption and I am just unsure which way to go. Please pray for our family and ask God to be our guide as we proceed with the adoption process. Pray he will provide the funds for us as we know it will be very costly, but the rewards will be so worth the price.

On another note, we are headed to the Carribean October 5, 2007! We're so excited. Who knows, maybe we'll get pregnant on our Honeymoon. Whatever god will is for us...we will gladly accept it. Wish us great weather and no hurricanes!

We love and miss you all!

Jorge, Kimberly, Jose and Chris (Jewel, Ellie Mae and Gracie too!)

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