Monday, November 5, 2012
Obviously I suck at blogging! I haven't updated since last February. Granted, I have been a little busy raising twins...but no excuse!
The boys are now two and we had a quiet bday celebration. Jose even joined us via Skype. It was so strange seeing his head sit on the computer screen on the dining room table. We enjoyed Elmo cake and pizza! So glad I didn't do the crazy over the top bday celebration. While my boys are worth it, I know that in the end, it was that we spent it together.
I got each one of the boys a single toy and was also proud of myself for my restraint. Let's face it, they have lots of toys and to load them up with a million meaningless "things" wasn't going to make them any happier. So I got I & S a guitar do and drum. Isaiah loved the guitar! He has carried that thing around contstantly playing all the songs. The drum is toast at this point. Samuel has hit that poor thing so hard it broke. No big deal and we didn't replace it!
We went to the beach back in June. Not really sure that is what I would call a vacation, but we got to spend some time with family. You know how you have something pictured in your head of how it's going to be and then is nothing like that. Well, there you have it. My vacation dreams were smashed. I was grateful for the time away. Note to self, vacations with two year olds are not all they are cracked up to matter how much I love them.
Took the house off the market, but we are going to put it back on. Still want to sell this beautiful home and get a smaller mortgage. While I would love to move back to KY, the house has to be sold first.
Chris is in college and doing his thing. Don't see him too often but from what I hear he is interested in going into the Air Force after graduation. That is a fabulous idea however I would never tell him that. Teenages never want to know what the parents think! He could use the structure and discipline. Besides, they would pay for his entire college student loans.
Krystal and Jose are headed to Weisbadden Germany in June of 2013. He resigned for another 3 years and was lucky to get this base as a choice. He is very excited and so is she. What an amazing adventure they will be on and I am so happy for the both of them. I will miss them sure, but wow what a great opportunity. I really hope they take the chance to travel and see as much of Europe as they can. Jorge says we will take the whole family over. Not sure I really want to make the trip with two pre-schoolers so we'll see. That's one long......plane ride.
Last but certainly not least we are thinking of adoption again. We have become aware of a little girl who is 8 and will be nine next month. She is an only child and is currently in DSS care. We are praying about it and know that God knows best! His plan is better than anything I can dream up. For right now I am at peace with everything and know that it will all be fine. I'm a little anxious as to be expected. I mean, how am I going to get three kids up for school each day, dressed and ready to go BEFORE 7:15 each day. I have to be at work at 8, Sweet Girl to school and boys to daycare. This means Mommy will be up at 5:30am to get myself together and ready to get kids up by 6:30 am. While my sweet husband assures me he will get up to help me out, he isn't really a morning person. He will forever be the night owl. I've never seen someone sleep through EVERYTHING the way he does. He doesn't get home until about 2:30am so I'm being unreasonable to ask him to get up at 6:30 to help with the kids. I will handle it, I'm sure.
So there you have it in a nutshell.
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