Friday, March 25, 2011

Getting Tubes!

Last week Samuel & Isaiah finally got tubes in their ears. They did great (better than mommy) and were real troopers. So far they have slept great and seem to have stopped with the runny nose, other than allergy season starting. I don't care what the doctors say, these boys have the same crappy allergies as their mommy and brother Chris. We have all been sneezy, itchy watery eyes, coughing, you know the drill.

Last night when I got home from work, Sam just wanted to be held. I loved it. He sat in my arms while Jorge made part of dinner and he entertained them while I finished. Everything around here is a team effort. No slacking allowed. I held Sam so long he just drifted off in my arms. This is after he took a 3 hour nap at daycare. What can I say...he takes after his momma who LOVES her sleep. Jorge fussed at me for letting him fall asleep saying he wouldn't go to bed. Not my boy! He had a bottle and was out like a light. Soon my little boy will be on the go and won't want to be held. He will be too busy getting into everything so I will enjoy the snuggle time while I can get it.

Sam is just itching to crawl. He does great at getting up on his knees and hands, but that's where it stops. He rocks back and forth then looks at me like, "Why am I not going anywhere?" He has even started pulling up on things like chairs, coffee table & the bouncy seat. I might mention he is doing this without success. He get to his knees and then gives me the same look as before.

Isaiah is teething right now. His two front teeth are coming in and he has three on the bottom. It figures my good eater would be the first to cut those teeth. He is the most content baby ever. Doesn't matter where you sit him, he will be happy with whatever you do. He's never in a hurry to get anywhere except to the bottle! He loves to play with the dogs and Jewel is too sweet with him. She tolerates the pulling of her fur and the pats of love he gives. He hates naps however. Luckily last Sunday he slept for 1.5 hours which gave me enough time to clean the first floor of my house. Jorge and I were like a tornado cleaning away. The Lord knew I needed those babies to sleep to accomplish a few things around the house.

That's all for now! Love to everyone.