This year is going to go by so quickly and I scarcly find the time to slow down and enjoy it. I'm sure at the end of my pregnancy I will have no choice in the matter, but right now our house is busy with baby preperations and a growing belly. Both babies are doing well and growing. My next ultrasound is February 24th and by that time we should be able to determine the sex of both babies. If not I'll get another shot at it in March. Having twins gives you a few more privleges at the doctors office like more ultrasounds!
I have to admit that I look at my belly and think, are there really babies in there or am I just gaining weight. There's no doubt I have all the pregnancy symptoms like morning sicknes, still. Maybe when I feel them move for the first time it will really sink in. Of course I have a ton of things to accomplish in the next few months. Arrange childcare, choose a pediatrician, register at the hospital, organize the nursery, and get some rest in there somewhere. Jorge and I both had a dream last night that we are having a boy and a girl. Can't imagine we both had the same dream. Must mean something right? Mine was funnier! I dreamt that I woke up from sleeping and there were my babies for me to meet. All fat and plump like 3 month olds. No labor, no pain, no drama! I was in awe. Jorge dreamt we were in a field having a picnic and the kids were chasing the dogs around. Very romantic. That's my man for ya.
We got a letter from Jose and he is doing well. He sends his love to everyone and can't wait until he's done with basic training. He misses showering and "pooping" alone. (His words, not mine.) We all miss him so much and I'm dissappointed that he won't be here while the babies are still babies. What an amazing big brother he already is to Chris and I want my babies to know that as well. I know the chance will come after the military, but by that time he will be on his own and making a new life for himself. He is growing closer in his personal walk with God and we give the praise to HIM for placing Godly men in Jose's path. Krystal is attending church with Jorge and I and you can see the Lord touching her heart. We are still working on Chris and hope he will give his heart to Jesus soon.
I say this all the time, but I truly feel blessed. My cup runeth over!