We are finally done with all the interviews, inspections and questionaires regarding our adoption home study. Next we have to wait for the Home Study report to be written by the case worker and turned into "our" case worker. Then we will be "approved". We should get the official approval letter in February.
Once we are approved our information will be put into a database for any SC caseworker to search and match us with a waiting baby. After they (case workers) determine we are a match for a baby they will call us. I can't wait for that day! I can't imagine what it will feel like to get that call! We will go in for a meeting with several case workers and get all the info they have on the child. We can ask all the questions we like about the child's background, health, pesonality, etc that we want. At the end of the meeting, we will then be shown a picture of the adoptable child. You can imagine why they don't show you the picture first! We don't want to fall in love with a picture, but with a child that will fit with our family. They would then like for us to "sleep on it" and make a decision in a day or so. If we accept, we may need to set up visitation with a foster family until we are ready to make a permanent transition to our home. So....that's what is coming down the line.
So many of you have asked where we are in the process....what's next....when will we get a baby. Well, now you know where we are in the adoption process and what comes next. As far as when...only God knows that answer and we are relying on Him for the perfect timing.
The nursery is finished and waiting. So...I've done all I can to prepare for the arrival of a little one and will now just be as patient as possible for a phone call. It's never easy waiting, but it will definitly be worth the wait!