We did it! Jorge and I reached the One Year mark yesterday May 20, 2008. We ate our cake and everyone said it would taste terrible, but it was Delicious! We'll eat on it for the rest of the week. So long Weight Watchers! (at least this week!) I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by. I avoided the blogspot for a while trying out MySpace, but it is too much hassle. I'm too old for this stuff. The blog is a better way to update everyone and you don't have to join anything to view it. So...here's an update on what's been happening.
First the kids...
Jose graduates next Tuesday from Byrnes High School. Jorge is so proud! He's been giving Jose a hard time saying he'll get the award for missing the most days absent and still able to graduate! Of course, he's just kidding! He also has an interview at Circuit City which we hope he gets the job. He is still working at Hollister but gets very little hours there. Jose plans on attending Spartanburg Community College this fall and hopes to go into Radiology. Now comes the dreaded financial aid forms. Yuck!
Chris is doing great in school. He is making the Honor Roll and wants to now get his drivers permit. We are very nervous and want him to wait a little while longer. Maybe later this summer. He's wearing his hair very long. Not sure we like it, but we don't have to wear it!
Most of you know we are building our dream home! We're so blessed that God has given us this opportunity to expand our home, litterally. We sold our home on Kenwood after a few hiccups in the closing process. We thought for about a week we would have to move back into it until it sold. Fortunately God took care of all the details for us, as usual. We closed May 15, 2008. We are currently living in a two bedroom apartment until our house is complete in July. Our new home is coming along quite nicely. The brick is in place and we are waiting for the siding to go up. So far everything is going smoothly. We will have 5br/31/2 baths with a huge game room for the kids to have a hang out. We can't wait for all of you to see it!
I wish I could deliver better news on the baby front, but we still are not pregnant. I am leaving it all up to God to handle. He knows our future and needs and will provide in His time. I am clinging to Psalm 37:7 that says, "Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him." The be still part is difficult, but we're trying. And if you've met my husband, patience is on short order there! We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and an ultra sound. I have no idea what she'll tell me, but after several months of fertility drugs, hot flashes, mood swings and crying uncontrollably, I'm ready to hang it all up. We are considering adoption more and more and have contacted several agencies to check out the process. Please pray God takes us on his path, not ours.
Wow...what a year so far. I pray the latter part of the year is more subdued than the first. We're looking forward to settling into our new home before school starts and enjoying lots of family time together. With 5 bedrooms, ya'll better plan to visit!
All our love...
The Valentin's